The Clearview Regional BarberShop Quartet
Original Home Page of the BSQ

"The College Years"

About the BSQ

BSQ Bylaws

BSQ Pictures

Extra HOT Pics

Term Papers


Diabolo It Up Yo

Official Creators Page

Guest Book Page


"The College Years"...coming soon

hello it's 2003... and the BSQ editors have decided to revamp this website and bring it up to date as best as possible. We hope you enjoy the new page "The College Years".  We will try to obtain new pictures and/or information on your BSQuties. But for now, enjoy the BSQ archives!

Mike Camp, Stuart Vitagliano, Benjamin Landrum




A fan friendly dedication to the four hottest members of the vocal ensamble at Clearview High School, the BSQ website was created in the summer of 2001 with the intent of relaying our 100% total obsession with the BSQ.

Note: Copyright 2001. All rights reserved by Jaclyn Sparacino and Morgan Morina. Any reproduction and/or selling of this material will result in fines and/or banishment from the original and offical fan site of the BSQ. Any hacking is a result of copyright infringement and all hackers will be subject for removal from the BSQ website. Note: if you are a BSQ member, you will be removed from the website.

"like whoa"

they are so cute! why did we ever let them go?!?! Do YOU have any (fairly) recent pictures of the BSQuties? If so, please email them to your photo editor so that more can be posted for your viewing pleasure!

BSQ Alma Mater
(by Angela and Morgan)
*to the tune of the CRHS Alma Mater*
O BSQ to you we sing, The praises of your hotness ring
Long may you stand in your beauty, O BSQuties hail to thee
Now BSQ we have been told you're stinkin hot with hearts of gold
Mike Ben Tim Stu, Barbershop Q, Dear BSQuties, We love you

Tim Hussey
Would YOu like to be the owner of Tim Hussey's official tux shirt?! Send us an email telling us why YOu should get it. (the photo editor still has it hanging in her room at home...)
BSQ Email Address