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Look at these wee bsqties

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Hey it's summer! don't expect anything spectacular.

If not for the BSQ calender, Tim would not have been seen all summer. Technically, he hasn't. No one knows where he is. We assume that he has started college or will be soon, so best of luck to him. We have also been seeing very little of Mike this summer, but we know the following: He went to the JCL national convention. Band camp has started, so we all know where Ben and Stu have been. Stuart, we believe, is still working at Johnnie Dean's, the artist formally known as Brownie's. With the school start entering it's one week countdown, we also countdown the days until better updates can be written. Thank you for sticking with us through this tough time known as summer vacation.

yeahhhh nothing has happened in eons. Tim and Mike have vanished- Ben was last speculated to be vacationing in the burly woods of Maine, where he studies optometry in phesants. Stuart was last seen romping through the lanes of one Supervalu, on a trip to pick up more whipped cream from for the shady establishment known as "Brownies". Hopefully school will start soon and things will get more "fresh" - but until then, dont expect anything at all. also- lit. editor is currently vacationing in NC, which seems to be the hub of summer vacations for families with "soccer moms" this summer.

An update as requested by Mike. Last nite Mike rocked Glassboro bowling lanes with his dance moves. He then rocked Dippy's with his mischievious ways. Ben's at jazz camp, and Stu is probably home right now. Tim is still a graduate, and we have no idea what he's doing. Stu's still working at Brownies (except on Monday's), and Mike is still at Commodore Bagels.

6.17.02 The first week of summer comes to an end as the BSQ editors wallow in boredom. Looking back, this website was spawned off of the boredom of summer- hopefully this summer will bring about even more creative ideas from the editors. All four BSQuties had a great time at the post-grad gathering. So far this summer, Stuart has a job at Brownies, Ben is too busy studying to get one, and Mike and Tim are unknown.
Wow. A long time has passed since the last update, and a lot has happened. Finals are FINALly over, and so is the school year (almost). Ben got his driver's license on Tuesday. Congrats to him. He also made all-state jazz band, and, we found out this morning, was selected as Phys. Ed student of the month. Way to go Scholastic fantastic. Mike was in AP History today, singing up a storm. He also was late completing his final two honors chem labs. Don't worry, Mrs. Schmidt is going to let him finish them. Tuesday, June 11th, is graduation. Sadly, we will have to say goodbye to senior BSQutie Tim Hussey. Over the years, he has given us many fond memories, and we would just like to thank him for all of them.


Happy Wednesday
If you get a chance, go to the Deptford mall tomorrow and check out Tim's photos, on display in the art expo. The BSQuties, Mike, Ben, and Stu, looked HOT at prom. Mike was wearing a tie-less tux sorta deal, and Ben and Stu tuxed it up in the normal way. Ben even wooed his date with the now infamous "Chewbacca" noise. Yesterday the BSQuties went to somewhere up north for ANOTHER ensemble trip. Yeay! Mike will be going to New Hope tomorrow, best of luck to him.

an update coming to you from 7th period German. We are sad to say that Stuart is quasi-sick, but he will be going to the prom. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the BSQuties at the prom.

How about this?!?!?! An update coming to you LIVE from the G&T room! Nothing much to update, except Ben has not come to school, most likeley because of the AP Chem test tomorrow. Mrs. Landrum, thankfully, dropped off his picture money. Mike and Stu rocked it in the chem lab today too.

3/4ths of the BSQ were seen at Harrison Twp. Day, BSQing it up for the opening ceremonies. Mike and Tim spent each for really hot HTS Cheerleader T-shirts, and Stuart spent a lot of time with goats and sheep. Ben spent the day at CPR class, where he, you guessed it, PASSED. That's about it for the BSQ today, Saturday. Oh, and by the way: Mike, you were GREAT in the Mystery of Edwin Drood.

It's been quite a day for the BSQuties, but none as wonderful as Tim's, who is the 2002 Mr. Clearview!! He won, not just because of his impecable stage presence, but probably, because of the wonderful talents displayed in his original song. Way to go Tim. The other BSQuties had a great time heckling the hosts of the show. Most notably heard was Mike.

Happy May everyone!
As I sit here doing the update for May 3rd, I realize that it is really May 4th, given that it is 12:43am. I've also realized that this update should go for the whole week, but seeing as how it IS 12:43am, I'm tired, and I'm covered with ice cream, the update will not be as thorough as one would hope. Forgiveness is requested. Also, please give the BSQ Editors some slack with the update situation, because as the end of the year approaches, their scheduales are getting fuller instead of not fuller.
Anyway, the BSQ seemed to have a splendid week. Ben and Stu tracked it up, except on Monday, when Stu declined to show up to school. Most suspect that it was because of the fatigue suffered from the State Band Gala thing. Ben came to school late that day. On Tuesday Ben and Stu had jazz band rehearsal, and then joined fellow BSQuties Mike and Tim at the middle school for choir. The tardy BSQuties got a stern lecture from Jack Hill. Stu got a haircut too. He's returned to the look of Marine. Wednesday the BSQ spent the day in New York with the whole choir. Tomorrow (Sat, May 4) Ben and Stu have relays. The BSQ Website wishes them the best of luck. Tim was not in school today. Mike showed Italian pride today, and even spoke of his plans to add a picture of his mother to the shirt.

Happy "The Seniors Where Supposed to be Back" Day
Mike and Stu started off the day with a double lab period/chem test. Period 1 was to be used to study, but of course, these BSQuties did little of that. Stu and /<-Go studied at a lab station, while Mike studied the science of complaining about English class. He also brought back (with the help of his duet/lab partner) the "Louie, Louie" vocal chant, which was enjoyed by mostly everyone. Ben, we are happy to report, GOT A HAIRCUT! And to top it all off, he even did his hair with gel today. He was looking quite BSQute. Tim was busy designing the logo for the upcoming "Booth" t-shirts, soon to be modeled by Booth members. Sorry, no shirts can be ordered.

Happy Terra Nova/Senior Trip Week.
Today was probably the biggest waste of time for anyone who went to school. BSQutie Stu started off the day with breakfast at (not Tiffany's) Hilltop and then went to watch some of a movie at the Tesauro house. When he arrived at school, he was greeted by BSQutie Ben, who was busy doing some mad AP Chem training. Then came BSQutie Mike, who greeted the literary editor with a slap in her face. Much appreciated. Word has it that Ben has an orthodontist appointment at 4, so the editors wish him luck. Tim, though not attending the senior trip, was not in school today.

Taking a peak at the BSQ Calender on my wall, I've noticed that it's been 5 days since the latest update. Please forgive the editors for their lack of motivation the past few weeks.
Let's see, last nite Ben and Stu, with Myles, went to Dippy's for some ice cream. Ben got raspberry ice cream, Stu got a hot dog, and Myles got some water ice. There was no track for the track men on Friday, and none today (Saturday) either. Thursday nite Ben and Stu had a concert at Rowan with Robert W. Smith. It was a pretty good concert, complete with airplane effects, the highlite of the evening for most. Also performed were old favorites like "The Divine Comedy", and new favorites like "To the Summit!". We believe that Tim plans to work today and then go shoot some pool with a certain female friend of his, whose name, while some of you probably know it, will not be disclosed on this update. It is unknown what Mike is doing this weekend, and it's too early in the morning to make something funny up.

There have been a lack of updates due to the fact that the BSQ was engaged on a trip to Washington DC this weekend. They did however, clean up, winning best overall choir. Today is Ben's birthday, which means he will be taking the infamous DRIVERS TEST and we all hope he passes. Since it is only 1st period, nothing else has happened yet. Hopefully the Literary Editor will start doing something literary...
Here's the lit editor doing something of the literary persuasion....Ben, unfortunately, did not receive his driver's license today. No, he didn't fail the test. He just didn't take it. We'll let you know when the test is, as we're sure you're as anxious as we are. Ben and Stu had a lovely ride home with Mrs. Riggs today, and Stu and Nick M. had to put the back seats up, and it took them a good 5 minutes to do so. Ben helped by sitting in the nearest available seat. Mike came to the realization today that he, and the rest of the junior class, will be seniors in about 2 months. The shock in his voice can never be re-created.
Well, it seems that 1/2 of the BSQ, along with ONE WHOLE honorary member were on stage during the talent show. Ben and Stu gave a wonderful and enjoyable performance with the hit group Fit to Fail. Ben was decked out in pleather and a tight red shiny shirt thing, and Stu was wearing another interesting ensemblay, tapped off with a lovely hat with a feather (a la Yankee Doodle Dandy). Next came honorary member Mike Disanto with the spectacular group we all love, Reckwest. After some technical difficulties were taken care of, he and the rest of the group gave a stand out performance.
Mike was seen after-school today at the Varsity Softball game, cheering on the team as usual. While the girls weren't successful in their bid against Cumberland, Mike kept their spirits high as he did such things as neigh when the 1st baseman did anything (because she resembled a HORSE you see...), and make obnoxious remarks about the rest of the team and Mrs. Millet's immediate family.

Not much in the world of BSQ-dom.
Mike has lost a considerable amount of money for his work, or lack there-of, in AP History. Most of us are finding this type of desperation hilarious. Tim's photography works are on display in the main lobby, and they're pretty darn good, so go check them out. He was also heard after 9th period band discussing "the 4th Dimension" again. Congrats to Ben, who was named Foreign Language Student of the Month and who took 3rd place at his track meet today. Way to go. No word yet on how Stu did, but we hope he did good too! Stu had to dump a lot of trash at lunch today, and was seen enjoying his extra wide and long fajita.

Happy April Everyone!
Well let's see....very short update today, since one editor is ill and the other has no time...
Mike was seen in History laughing at a certain Anthony Viega, and made his first appearance of the season at a Varsity softball game. He was seen cheering and dancing to the songs. Stu also made a surprise appearance in said History class. Tim was seen talking about the "4th Dimension", and Ben was preparing to return back to gym.

SPRING BREAK!! Bet you know what that means!! That's right, poor updates until Tuesday.
Last nite Ben and Stu danced the nite away (well, more Ben than Stu) at the Band Banquet at Masso's. A very fun time was had with all. The BSQ Staff would also like to wish a Happy Birthday to Stu! Congrats to Ben, who placed 2nd in the 400 at yesterday's Varsity Track scrimmage against Shalick. Way to go! We've recieved word (through Angela's away message) that Mike is in the process of some sort of make-over. As we find out info, we'll let you know.
More info has been found out...
Mike's make-over was completed. Looking good, and can't wait to see the new outfit he's unveiling on Tuesday.

The Editors are trying to get back on track
With spring break looming over our heads, the BSQ is ready to get their party-i started. Word has it that BSQutie Mike Camp will be receiving come sort of "make-over". No specific details just yet. Best of luck to Ben and Stu today, whose first track meet/scrimmage is today, at 4. Stu will be treated to a special birthday lunch today in booth, and it should be lovely. Tim hasn't been seen yet this morning, but we assure you, he will be here eventually. More updates to come.

Mike and Ben were subjected to the KKK video that Moran showed today. Various phrases were coined, including "KKK Klookies" (not to be confused with Girl Scout Cookies), "as juicy as a rotton tomato" and, "PhD- (the D standing for dumbass). I must note that i've never seen Mr. Moran's face in such a scrunched red fashion, trying to supress the laughter brought about by these BSQuties. Ben also completed his history project in study hall, and got into a scuffle with the rubber cement. Stuart is still going glasses-less, and his birthday is TOMORROW! Tim wore his I LOVE NY shirt today, and it was nice. -- on a side note: the past week that did not get written up was filled with many BSQ events. Thursday, Ben, Tim, and Stu graced Rowan with their musical talents and helped the Wind Ensamble win their Superior Rating, and on Wed-Sat night, Mike wowed everyone with his smashing acting. He played the part of the Chairman, and did GREAT. -many a grandmother also commented on his apparent hotness.

Ben got a chemical engineering magazine today, and he seemed pretty excited about it. Stu and Ben are both present and accounted for at track, right this very second. Mike left in the middle of English to go somewhere. Tim was at lunch laughing at some really funny stuff. As far as I know, nothing really interesting happened today.

Short note: BSQ By-laws will be up when wind ensemble auditions are over.
Stu and Mike started the day off as they always do - in chemistry. They had a blast learning about nuclear decay. The BSQ editors hope that Stu feels better, after a minor injury at track practice today. Speaking of track practice, a certain Concetta (Tina) Landrum has revealed that Ben DID try the pole vault today. No word yet on how that went. While on the subject of extra-curriculars, Mike is at play rehearsal right now. Tim picked out his frames for his pictures today during lunch, and was quite excited. Then again, who wouldn't be?

Today was the 6 month anniversary of the WTC Attacks. Blasted terrorists. Blasted Osama. Blasted administration for not having the BSQ sing over the loudspeaker. We'll get over time.
Ben and Stu had their All-South Jersey Jazz Band auditions today. When asked about his audition, Stuart replied: "Meh. It was Meh." (Direct quote by the way.) Best of luck to both of them. Mike was in english giving his opinion on things ranging from the hidden meaning of "To Kill a Mockingbird" to the jury conspiracy in the OJ Simpson trial. Tim was selling lots of candy in lunch today, approx. 4 bars.
As we enter the month of March, Stu's picture graces the walls of Schmidt's science classroom. Poor Ben, he thought someone had stolen from him, but alas, it was in the trumpet case all along. Geez. Stu ate an ice cream cone at lunch, and Tim was seen sporting the shades after 9th period. Mike was seen at play practice after school, and watching a really awesome movie in chem.

Spring sports are starting, and Ben and Stu are part of the pack. Track starts soon, and Stu just found out that it's everyday after school. SURPRISE. They're presence at the after school track meeting, along with others at other meetings, contributed to the break down of jazz band, which ended after a record 5 minutes and 15 measures of playing. They spent the car ride listening to #4.
Mike had a chem test today and was seen after school exiting the band room right before jazz band began. He was obviously confused and at the wrong fine arts practice, being a former member of the jazz band. Tim had a meeting with a college after school today, and The BSQ site wishes him the best of luck.
Also, last night at the girls basketball game, the BSQ put on a stellar performance. Many a Mainland girl were caught up in the rush of the moment as the BSQ let out their last cord. sigh. Also present was our honorary BSQ member, who was obviously green with envy as the BSQ performed, as he remembered that he had no BSQ voting privileges whatsoever.

Happy Monday to all. The BSQ, save Tim, where all busy deciding about the future of next year. Mike was seen after school at play practice, and also sported the same shirt as Stuart. Also, Ben was sporting the over-sized sweater today. Ben and Mike succeeded in simultaniously failing an AP History. Way to go.
Yesterday, Stu rocked the house at his All-State Concert, where he even performed a solo. On the ride home he was heard telling stories of the jokes he played on people, and later was heard altering the lyrics to song #4 on the "O Brother, Where Art Thou" soundtrack. Ben went to the concert, and had a good time at Cracker Barrel, looking at all the toys, and waiting for an hour and a half to eat at Applebee's.

Last night, Ben went to the mall and was babysat by GAMESTOP while one lit editor finsihed off a massive salad. Today is Stuarts All Eastern Band Thing. yeay stu do well!

PALENDROME! (but not quite...)
Unique update from the 4th period art room. Tim was ALMOST given a WHITE CARD for saying a BAD WORD. He was issued another warning for being "excessively loud". Stu is once again absent, due to All-State Band. Mike was in chem working on some mad calculations, and Ben was seen this morning roaming the halls, complete with candy in one hand, trumpet in the other. More later....

One more day til the palendrome...
Quite the week the BSQ has been having. Stuart was absent from school today, and will not be in school tomorrow. Don't worry Renaissance afficianados, they're excused. He's off (probably) having a good time up at Rutgers New Brunswick preparing for the All-State Concert. Ben was being a big help to Mr. Tomlin today, by helping him, your editors, and Keith move some percussion stuff into the band closet. One editor "accidentally" locked her gym clothes in there for the weekend...We also found out that Ben had a trumpet lesson tonite. Tim was nursing a hurt wrist today, and after refusing medical treatment, was convinced by booth members that he marry a doctor and get it checked out. Mike left Chem today for G&T without finishing his worksheet, and didn't have anyone to copy off of later. He wasn't in English, and sadly he missed some WITTY comments from one Anthony Veiga.

With the absence of one G. Moran, Mike had a chance to regale the group with his "ADVENTURES IN PITTSBURGH". Some topics mentioned were the complimentary bathrobe, being locked out of his room in the complimentary bathrobe, and spending the night in a random person's room in the complimentary bathrobe. Thank god for complimentary bathrobes. Tim's internal thermometer told him it was sunny and 85, which prompted him to sport his orange Hawaiian shirt, which was HOT. Stuart smuggled a certain BSQ Editor's homework pass back from a certain absent G. Moran's desk today. This was greatly appreciated, since this BSQ editor's sense of laziness overcomes her for the better part of the day. One other BSQ Editor volunteered to sell candy bars for this BSQutie. No one seems to understand why, but she did. And finally, our own Down-South-Skank was seen pounding mercilessly on the door of a certain Athletic Trainer today, trying to turn in his SPRING TRACK medical form- what a jock. Only a true Clearview jock stops to ask for directions to the Athletic Director's office. Ben was also seen making fun of one BSQ Editor's Valentine's Day experience, and also giggling menacingly at Mike's nail-biting tale of their trip.

With the time being 10:00am, we can safely assume that the BSQ has departed for Pittsburgh. We wish them the best of luck, and we will miss them during the 4 days that they're away.
Because of their absense, the BSQ Editors are taking a much needed 4 day vacation. Updates will begin as soon as we here word from them upon their return.

As the BSQ prepares to leave in search of happiness in All-East Choir, the day wasn't exciting, from what I saw. Ben began the day in Harry Landrum glasses, but was soon seen to be without them. Mike was in chem kicking/rubbing the back of the literary editor with his feet, and in English motioned to one Carol Smith about the chalk on her face. He did it so politely too. Stu tried to do his hair today. Key word: TRIED. We won't say that HE NEEDS A HAIRCUT, because we've found that that annoys him. Tim was complaining about the "volcano" that was on his nose when he woke up. Let it be known to all those reading that the "volcano" is in fact a huge zit. We applaud Tim for being so open and honest about the zit, which, no offense, was pretty big. Stu and Tim were also at lunch heard debating about the reasoning for sleeping on beds, arguably the stupidest thing to argue about. We will miss the BSQuties, but wish them luck in Pittsburgh!

Ben spent his study hall time creating new fortunes for the toxic waste candy with one BSQ photo editor. Hopefully the new fortunes will be up tomorrow- and may I add that they are QUITE funny/good. Tim sported an outgoing Hawiian shirt today- it was HOT. Stu is either A) going for the punk/grungy look, or B) NEEDS A HAIRCUT AND JUST FORGOT. In any case, Mike was heard shouting various forms of F*** in history while trying to pass the quiz Moran sprung on the class.
Saturday, 02.9.02
This weekend Ben and Stu are away at a weekend retreat. Hopefully they will return safely and grace us with their hotness.

Thursday, 02.07.02
The BSQ Staff apologizes for the late updates. It's term paper week, and there has been some mad winter track/mock trial/jazz band/field hockey/stage crew going on this week. Tim spent yet ANOTHER lunch period in the art room again. Stu retrieved the purse of the newly forgetful editor after lunch today. Ben wore an authentic Forman Mills basketball jersey today, and Mr. Tomlin liked it. Mike was acting like himself, and was heard planning a trip to the Kingsway musical for later in the year.

Tuesday, 02.05.02
Sorry about the Monday update, the editors were BUSY. All 4 BSQ members were present and accounted for today. Mike was mourning the absense of one Andrea T. Schmidt 1st period. Tim was not in lunch AGAIN, because he was fixing his photos. Ben and Stu were in jazz band, gearing up for the big festival tomorrow. Good luck to them and the rest of the jazz band!
The BSQ Website Staff would like to congradulate BSQutie Ben on being named Science Department Student of the Month and also Pioneer of the Month. Way to go!

Friday, 02.01.02
All BSQ members were in school today, THANK GOODNESS! Ben added some humor to the day with his Booooooiiiiing-y thing. That hussy Tim Hussey was heard complaining about the humidity, even though it seem like not one ounce of fresh air gets into the school- he still seemed to feel the effects of the weather.

Thursday, 01.31.02
Stu returned to school today, but only for a short time. It was reported that he went home during 2nd period. He was missed again, especially at lunch. Ben was seen 1st period in the G&T Room, kicking butt on the conundrum, using words I'd never heard before. Mike was seen after school on the 3:15 bus, making comments about a certain letter written by a certain Bernie "Hagenrader" to a certain editor of a certain school newspaper about a certain article written by a certain BSQ member. Very funny it was. Tim was not in lunch again, because he was AGAIN working on this photos.

Wednesday, 01.30.02
With the return of Stu quickly approaching, the BSQ updates are looking to be a bit more interesting. While bored in a lab today, Mike snapped a certain editors bra, and it hurt. He then talked loudly in english, resulting in Mrs. Denney asking him to be quiet. Tim again spent lunch in the art room, matting his photos. Ben spent the after school hours in jazz band, and had an interesting time covering his trigonometry book in class. Stu was still missed. We anxiously await his return.

Tuesday, 01.29.02
After a near wet-willy experience, Mike made it known to one BSQ Editor that he (and i quote) "WENT COMANDO TODAY." Ben graced the G+T room for the 2nd day of his "Study Hall" experience. After trying to hack into the schools computer system, he decided it was safer to surf the net and translate his French homework on Stu was still not here: the hottness factor in the halls of Clearview has gone down a lot.

Monday, 01.28.02
Monday updates are the most time consuming. Tim was seen this morning in the band room, trying to harmonize the word "dum" with Evan Cooke and Nick Weidman. It was wasn't good. He spent his lunch hour matting photos with Mr. Garrett. Ben was thought to be M.I.A this morning, but was seen after 4th period. He's feeling a bit sickly, so his trip to the weightroom was canceled. Mike was acting like himself today, however he was seen without his Mrs. Higgins Name Tag, but it wasn't a big deal. We're pretty sure Mike's at play practice right now. Stu wasn't in school today, but was greatly missed, especially by K-Go and Booth. Get Well Soon Stu!

Saturday, 01.26.02
Rumor has it that Ben made an excursion to the mall with his significant other, while Stu and Mike, (and possibly Tim) took the less social way of things this weekend. Stu spent much of his time pondering how he could spend his Saturday night, and Mike, well let's take a dirct quote from his away message: "Correction. Watching Sugar Shane Mosley get the crap beat out of him. I'll be back". As for Tim, well, no weekend plans have been heard of on his part. Well there you have it: The BSQ --- anti social for the most part, and d*** proud of it.

Friday, 01.25.02
After school, Ben Stu, as well as lil' Nicky were spotted "pumping iron" - to quote them directly. It is also noted that as Stuart attempted a 150lb bench press he was heard yelping "ffffff...ben get this off me ..fffff", to which Ben struggled to come to the assist of his BSQ-Bro.

Thursday, 01.24.02
Mid-term fever has started, with the chem and math exams tomorrow. Stu and Mike are busy getting pumped for the Chem exam, while Ben and Tim, having no science exams, are perfecting their pre-calculus skills. Nothing out of the ordinary happened today, but Mike revealed to Mrs. Denney the "10 Things She Should Know About Mike Camp".

Wednesday, 01.23.02
An ordinary Wednesday for the most part. Ben and Stu jazzed it up in jazz band after school, although Ben more than Stu, because Stu had "10th Period" with Mr. Moran for allegedly jumping into the pile of coats. Tim was in lunch trying to not listen to the dirty comments of his fellow booth members, and Mike was in English today giving his book presentation on "Lolita", and was seen trying NOT to hear Jen Colgan's presentation on the same book, for she had read further than him and was giving away some interesting plot details. It was pretty amusing.

Tuesday, 01.22.02
*SIGH* This is one of those updates that the BSQ editors LOVE to do. The BSQ performed this evening at the girls basketball game, and, man was it good. The Woodstown girls basketball team was even checking them out. We're not kidding. One red haired girl was especially taken with the BSQ, and she watched them with an open mouth.
Today at school Ben and Stu jazzed it up at jazz band, Mike DIDN'T have to give his English presentation, and Tim sold LOTS of candy. After jazz band Ben and Stu also got to have a snow ball fight. They seemed to have fun.

Monday, 01.21.02
We wish the BSQ a nice day off. We do not know what Mike and Tim did today. Ben and Stu spent a few hours this afternoon sledding on victory hill. Highlights of their day include knocking into each other, sliding down the hill without sleds, snowball fights in the woods, and the best of all, plowing down the hill in a trash can. Those crazy BSQuties.

Saturday, 01.12.01
Currently, your text editor is on the phone with BSQ member Ben. He is enjoying reading his scores (that's he's never seen) from math league some 5 years ago. Mike should be getting ready to go see a play, and no word yet on Stu and Tim's plans for the evening. We do know that Stu was ASJ-in' it up with Ben today.

Friday, 01.11.02
With Ben and Stu ASJ-in' it up today, we do not think there will be a BSQ performance over the loudspeaker, seeing as it is the 11th of the month. We here at the BSQ site are saddened by this, but will get over it in time. Mike and Tim are here today representin' the BSQ flava for the day, and they're doing a top notch job. Mike is in English as I write, however I cannot find him at the moment. I can assume he is NOT working on his english project. Tim was seen in the G&T room this morning, messing with Mr. Cheeseman's internet. Mike has been spotted, and my assumption was correct.

Thursday, 1.10.02
The entire BSQ graced the band room with their presence this morning, well, if you count mike dropping the kids off at the pool (in the bandroom bathroom of course). Tim also shared with us the first stages of the BSQ CD. IT WAS HOT. Order your copy now, because you will want to. Believe me, you want to.

Wednesday, 1.09.02
In chem today Mike and Stu performed their rendition of "Mr. Bucket", which was pretty funny. Mike said all of his quotes in English and most likely got a 100, because it's Mrs. Smith for goodness sakes. At lunch Stu kept busy sticking pieces of meat to the wall, eating processed cheese, and crushing cans with a booth. Tim laughed while watching this. Ben and Stu had a blast at jazz band today. Ben had a sectional with all of the brass, and Stu had a sectional with the saxes, but later on, joined the brass at his own behest.

Tuesday, 1.8.02

Today in ap history, while still mourning the absence of the glorious gordo, Mike Camp decided to write a summery of Koby Bryants take on the terrorist attacks. Ben forgot to do his... Mike then proceeded to listen/sing to his Aretha Franklin CD, to which the large bald headed sub got a good cackle. Stu and Ben also attended jazz band after school for some head-boppin-smoothprimo-style-mikeyd-guitarin-music.

Friday, 01.04.02
Tonite, 3/4s of the BSQ spent the evening at the Vitagliano's. Ben, Stu, and Mike had a blast while playing video games, downloading songs, dancing, and especially, eating. We also got a taste of the finer side of Mike Camp. Details need not be given. All in all, it was a blast.

Wednesday, 01.02.02
It was back to school for Ben, Mike, Stu, and Tim today. Mike was lookin' especially BSQute today in a turtle neck and khakis, while Ben sported the "space-age" pull-over. Mike managed a 93 on his lab write up, and I'm pretty sure Stu got a 94. Way to ace those guys! Tim and Stu spent lunch eating LOTS of chocolate. After school, Ben and Stu jazzed it up at jazz band. A nice day overall.

It must be reported that Ben and Stu knitted scarves for their significant others for Christmas. It's good to know that 1/2 of the BSQ can knit.

Saturday, 12.22.01
WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE DOING. WE DON'T KNOW WHERE THEY WERE. The only sign of life we saw was Nick Landrum (Ben's brother for those of you who have no clue) signed on IM late this afternoon.

Friday, 12.21.01
Christmas celebration is in full swing at Clearview, and the BSQ is getting in the mood. Tim presented me with a lovely present, and it will be identified later in the holiday break. It will greatly benefit this fan site. In chem, Stu had a tough time deciphering if the narrating voice of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" was James Earl Jones or not. Sorry Stu, IT'S NOT JAMES EARL JONES! Mike spent 3rd period trying desperately to not finish his writing assignment. Congrats to Ben, who missed the assembly this morning to take a chem test. We envy you most of all.
We would also like to add that Mr. Moran got quite a laugh out of this site, and from one picture inparticular.
*Later Friday Eve*
The 2nd Annual Landrum family caroling session was a sort of success, with about 10 people showing up. 3/4 of the BSQ used their fhot charm and vocal talents to harmonize and make the songs sound much better. Then we retired to the Home of Landrum for lots of food and laughs. It's all on video too. After that, Ben, Mike, and Stu headed over to the Tesauro's where they had a rockin' good time.

Thursday, 12.20.01
As the Christmas carols rang through the halls, the BSQ was kind of in the holiday spirit. Tim returned from the New York trip safe and sound with an "I *Heart* NY" shirt. Ben was ultra tired this morning but woke up throughout the day. Mike was lookin' fhot with his taped down collar this morning, and Stu showed his intelligence in G&T, earning a spot on the Wall of Fame by putting a really hard puzzle together with your literary editor. How smart he is.

Wednesday, 12.19.01
Before Tim left for his New York trip, he was seen (or heard) going nuts on band room piano. Ben and Stu were also seen in the band room. Hopefully MIke is here so that the humor level of AP History will be boosted back to it's normal level.

Tuesday, 12.18.01
Today the ensemble wasn't in school, therefore not much funny happened. After school Ben and Stu went to jazz band and had a rockin' good time listening to Rich Primavera hit that high D. Ensemble trips, as well as 5 day weekends, put a damper on the daily update.

Monday, 12.17.01
The church was PACKED as the Clearview High and Junior High got ready to take the stage. It was so crowded that your literary editor had to sit on the floor in the back with a BSQutie's brother and a BSQutie's girlfriend. After sitting through the middle school (it was good though), the ensemble finally took the stage. Our BSQ members, Ben, Mike, Stu, and Tim looked FHOT as always in those tuxes. We are pleased to announce that Stu had a solo and it was really good! Even though he wasn't wearing a mic, he still sang is BSQ heart out and did great. Way to go guys.


As we enter the month of March, Stu's picture graces the walls of Schmidt's science classroom. Poor Ben, he thought someone had stolen from him, but alas, it was in the trumpet case all along. Geez. Stu ate an ice cream cone at lunch, and Tim was seen sporting the shades after 9th period. Mike was seen at play practice after school, and watching a really awesome movie in chem.

Spring sports are starting, and Ben and Stu are part of the pack. Track starts soon, and Stu just found out that it's everyday after school. SURPRISE. They're presence at the after school track meeting, along with others at other meetings, contributed to the break down of jazz band, which ended after a record 5 minutes and 15 measures of playing. They spent the car ride listening to #4.
Mike had a chem test today and was seen after school exiting the band room right before jazz band began. He was obviously confused and at the wrong fine arts practice, being a former member of the jazz band. Tim had a meeting with a college after school today, and The BSQ site wishes him the best of luck.
Also, last night at the girls basketball game, the BSQ put on a stellar performance. Many a Mainland girl were caught up in the rush of the moment as the BSQ let out their last cord. sigh. Also present was our honorary BSQ member, who was obviously green with envy as the BSQ performed, as he remembered that he had no BSQ voting privileges whatsoever.

Happy Monday to all. The BSQ, save Tim, where all busy deciding about the future of next year. Mike was seen after school at play practice, and also sported the same shirt as Stuart. Also, Ben was sporting the over-sized sweater today. Ben and Mike succeeded in simultaniously failing an AP History. Way to go.

Saturday, 12.15.01
A nice day for Ben and Stu, who spent approximately six hours at ASJ practices. They then went to the mall with Mrs. L, Dr. L, Nick, and their respective girlfriends. They got their picture taken with Santa and got all their shopping done. Way to take care of business guys. We have no idea what Mike and Tim did today.

Friday, 12.14.01
Pep Rally day today, but sadly, no BSQ performance. The crowd was delighted with a performance of the Ensemble singing their holiday classic "Carol of the Bells". Inspiring. Our BSQuties, of course, made the sound of the Ensemble much better and hotter. Before homeroom this morning, Ben and your literary editor were able to put glitter all over the face of Stu. (Glitter provided by the photo editor.) First period Stu was seen walking to the nurse to get said glitter removed from his eye. Ha. Mike tried his best to motivate the junior class into retaining the spirit stick, but alas, it was lost to the seniors. Next time Mike, next time.

Thursday, 12.13.01
Coming to you live from 1st period G+T... both editors are present as well as Ben. No one seems to be doing the Conumdrum, instead a more interesting conversation ensues. OH and BSQ member #2 (stu) just walked in. More updates to come.

Wednesday, 12.12.01
Band Concert Countdown: 2 hours ago (at start time)
Well the band concert was rockin'. Our BSQuties: Ben, Stu, and Tim gave a wonderful performance on the trumpet, bassoon, and baritone. Tim even made the trombone players feel bad about themselves before the concert. It's okay Tim, we'll get over it. Ben and Stu were recognized for their All-South Jersey accomplishments, and it seemed like Mr. Tomlin forgot about Mr. V-eye-tagliano (as it was prenounced), but was merely saving the best for last....
Oh yeah, they all looked FHOT in their suits.

Tuesday, 12.11.01
Band Concert Countdown: Tomorrow
As another day of "on-stage" rehearsal came to a close 9th period, I was given the reward of seeing Tim in the beater again. It must be butt hot on that stage. Ben stayed after school today for some chem help with the lovely scientific Andrea Schmidt. Mike had a blast in English talking about books and authors that no one else knew about. EVEN ANTHONY DIDN'T KNOW WHO THEY WERE. Oh wait. Stu, Mike, and Ben terrorized people this morning with their "Pringles Can". I have to say, they got Matt Taylor pretty good.
And now....
It was, as always, breathtaking.

Monday, 12.10.01
Band Concert Countdown: 2 days
(since 3/4 of the BSQ are in the band, the countdown applies)
Mike was seen first period in honors chem roaming about the room looking for the correct answers to the worksheet. He finally ended up doing the worksheet himself. Stu had a rockin' good time at lunch today, attempting to smack ice cream in Jordan's face. Ben wore his comfy sweater today and looked quite cute in it. (I bet you can't guess what editor did THIS update.) Tim walked into the bandroom 9th period singing, and got a nice look from Mr. Tomlin for it.
Also, a special congrats to Ben and Stu for making All South Jersey Wind Ensemble and Orchestra, and Symphonic Band, respectively.
Another Congrats to Ben and Stu for making jazz band. Way to go guys!
Thanks to Angela for the following:
Apparently in band today, Tim was sporting the beater, and claimed that he was showing up to the band concert in his "birthday suit". More later on if this actually occurs.

Saturday, 12.8.01
Although none of the BSQ have been spotted yet this weekend, we are aware that Ben spend his friday eve at Jill Powell's birthday sha-bang. He is also trying out for ALL SOUTH JERSEY BAND today. Best of Luck. The BSQ editors would like to apologize for the lack of updates this week, but we just got home, so deal with it. Also notice the new pictures of the editors on this page.
Also, Stu auditioned for ASJB today, and he thinks he did pretty good. Way to go Stu.

Wednesday, 12.05.01
As I write, I am currently chatting with BSQ member Stu. It's a blast. Tonite was the NHS INDUCTION, where the whole BSQ was present and performing! Except it was with the ensemble, so it wasn't AS GOOD. Tim said a lovely grace, Stu gave me his cheesecake, Mike hummed "Eye of the Tiger" as he entered the room, and Ben listened to the speakers looking quite bored. Then, they all ate. What a nite. Also, Jackie heard the BSQ on the radio! B101.1 everyone!

Sunday, 2 Decembre 2001
Bon nuit! It's 8:40 here in France, which means that if you read this soon, it's about 2:40 in the big MC. So far we've too much and our kicks be ouchin'. We were harrassed by a drunk french male, who said, and we quote "THE SOUND OF THE SIRENS *drunken gurgle* IS MUSIC TO MY EARS!", to which we responded with a quick exit. We have 2 minutes left on this, so we close by saying, Stu, you're getting the coolest Christmas present from us. And you know, the rest of you BSQuties: WE MISS YOU TOO!

Thursday, 11.29.01
As i type, BSQ member Ben Landrum is taking the Knowledge Master. Stu was seen gawking at the picture of Katie at homecoming. Tim and Mike have been spotted as well. Au revoir pour maintenant, voyez-vous la semaine prochaine.

Wednesday, 11.28.01
This morning Stuart called Katie an old lady, and Mike was smashed into a wall by Ben, which caused him to shake the fist. Tim has yet to be seen...
Even though I personally have never enjoyed the music on that radio station, I give it major props for recognizing the talent that is the BSQ and also, the Ensemblay.
Also, until Wednesday, 12.05.01, there won't be updates, because both editors will be in Paris.

Tuesday, 11.27.01
Today at lunch, Tim and Stu were having a grand ol' time lifting up a booth and moving it away from the wall. Mike caused a commotion in chemistry today, but that's old news. Ben pondered over his choices in the world of college and the ivy league.
Happily, we have special news to report. Musical season is officially underway, and we are delighted to report that 3/4ths of the BSQ, Ben, Mike, and Stu, showed up at the meeting after school. Although Tim did not show, we're sure he has his own reasons, and his sister Heather will help boost the moral of hussey in the know what I mean.
After the meeting, it was a delight to see Stu DF with Tracy Malloy, attempting to throw a pillow at her and take her down. Ben had pillows thrown at him, but was comforted at his home by COWIE.

Monday, 11.26.01
That hussy Tim Hussey was caught wearing a SpongeBob tee, which was quite stylin. Mike disrupted Gordo's class with his laughter as he caught a glimpse of a picture of Sam H. humping Dave Wahl. His laughter ascended when he saw the look Mr. Moran gave it. Oh it was quite halarious. Ben and Stu did their usual DFing, which was of course, expected.

Saturday, 11.24.01
We don't know what's happening with Mike and Tim, most likely they're enjoying their Thanksgiving break. Ben and Stu had some visitors at the house of Landrum yesterday, who would be your Literary Editor, the Notorious K.G.O, and Kristen Meyer. What a treat to see a high school grad who hasn't completely lost her mind. After The Meyer left, the four of us spent an hour and a half lost in the world of anime. NOT RECOMMENDED. Later, Stu experimented with the digital camera. :P

Friday, 11.23.01
The BSQ has yet to be seen today, although Stu and Ben are supposedly going to see Harry Potter later this evening. One BSQ Editor also worked hard on the BSQ Calendar!

Thursday, 11.22.01
Well, as Thanksgiving traditions go, there was a football game this morning, attended by 1/2 of the BSQ: Ben and Stu. The marching band did a smack-tastic job of pumping up the crowd and their final performance of the season was great. Way to go Ben and Stu. Mike and Tim, sadly, were missing from the game, however, we're sure they're chowing down with their families right now.

Wednesday, 11.21.01
...And now coming to you live from... the house of your photo editor, the latest on the BARBERSHOP QUARTET THANKSGIVING EXTRAVEGANSA EVENT! Tim, Stu, and Ben gathered early this morning in the band room for their very secretive Photo Shoot, which will be the source of the pictures on the BSQ calendar. Sadly, Mike did not join the rest of the BSQ on this festive day because he was not in school today. I must also report that Stuart was seen in such yearbook pictures as the Choir picture, the Ensemble picture, the Junior G+T picture, and the Student Council picture, he would have been a part of the "Future Housewives of America" Picture as well, but he was kicked out and sent back to class. [Please note, Stuart just realized YESTERDAY that he is in G+T when he recieved a 96 for it on his report card, we also have from un-named sources that Stuart IS IN FACT on the student council, as a homeroom rep.]
Here's more, for a MORE upclose and personal look into Ben and Stu's days. In honor of the half day, Ben, Stu, K-Go, and Myself (el Morb), went to Harrison House, and while eating a lunch while sitting above all of our school bags, Mine and Stu's instruments were stolen, but thankfully returned. After retiring to the Landrum's, we decided that every pair of glasses Stu put on made him look a bit fruity. Poor Stu. Ben and Stu then spent a relaxing afternoon at the Harrison Twp. School playground, and then returned to the House of Landrum for some Tony Hawk 3.

Tuesday, 11.20.01
This morning, 1/2 of the BSQ was found in the band room looking at homecoming pictures. Stuart enjoyed the one that Bonnie took of him at Katie "making babies". Yesterday, pictures were taken of Tim Hussey, which will be added to the BSQ Calendar. Order your BSQ calender now for the 2002 year. It is coming along swimmingly, if you know what I mean. Check below to find out how to reserve your copy today.

Monday, 11.19.01
The Literary Editor has yet to be seen this morning. 3/4 of the BSQ were seen in the band room, but Mike has yet to be seen either. Morgan and Mike are probably hiding in a janitor's closet doing their chemistry lab.
Saturday, 11.17.01
WOW! What a nite for 3/4 of the BSQ. After a long day of getting ready, Mike, Ben, and Stu were ready for some fun. They spent the eve dancing away with their dates and having lots of fun. Mike looked hot in his yellow suit, which was completely unexpected, but hey, no one's complaining. Ben looked hot as usual in his high school wedding wear, and Stu looked fcute in his green suit (refer to Stu's picture page for a pic of his in said suit). After homecoming all were treated to a bash at Ben's house, where Dr. L got the marching band + Mike and your Literary editor doing some vocal renditions of the flip folder music. Later in the eve, Nick L. turned on the Michael Jackson concert, and Mike was lost from there. Stu and Ben took place in a bit of meteor shower watching, and the nite came to an end.

Friday, 11.16.01
Green and Gold Day
Coming to you live from 3rd period english, Mike sits trying to remember what he read in four chapters of "The Scarlet Letter". He's very school spirited today, wearing a plastic yellow top hat, gold home-made softball shirt, 3 lei's, and pimp-style shades. But what else can you expect from the junior class president? Ben is runner-up in the school spiritedness, wearing a gold shirt, green vest, and green sweatpants, all tied together with his gold karate belt. Stu and Tim tie for last place, Stu wearing a black shirt and jeans (like Keith), and Tim wearing a blue button down shirt with the wife beater under it. More updates later in the day.
OH MAN!!! *excuse the unprofessionalism* THE BSQ PERFORMED AT THE PEP RALLY!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS *SIGH* WONDERFUL! ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! The harmonies were perfect, the FHOTNESS: mind-blowing. *sigh* How I love a good BSQ concert.
Congrats go to BSQ member Tim Hussey for being voted "Most Dramatic" for the senior class "Who's Who". Playing a Roman slave really pays off. WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY DAY FOR THE BSQ!

Thursday, 11.15.01
Mix-n-Match Day
Still active with the homecoming festivities, Mike is at the school THIS VERY MOMENT decorating the junior hallway (note: it is 5:45 pm). Ben was chief letter-hanger, hanging the words "juniors" and "2003", and also taping the # 2003 to the wall. What a stud. Ben and Mike also participated in today's theme, listed above. Stu was not decorating, though he was seen in chemistry this morning with a mirror taped to his shoe. That dirty rat. Tim was in lunch today, writing on "Hello My Name Is.." tags for the people at his table. How FUN!

Wednesday, 11.14.01
College Shirt Day
Homecoming festivities have begun, beginning with the Homecoming Games after-school. 1/2 of the BSQ, Mike and Ben, were seen throwing flour and shaving cream at each other, after the juniors were cheated out of a victory in the final contest. Stu DID get a hair trim, and it's looking very nice. Tim was seen advertising, what else? His website, [], for all those school-spirited college bound students today.

Tuesday, 11.13.01
Tie Day
Today was another nice day for the BSQ. The homecoming assembly was a success, with Stu sitting with me, and Ben sitting with K-Go. Made a lot of sense. Stu returned to the Lost-Boy look, and was looking much BSQuter. He also got a hair trim after school today. Super. Ben's making some extra money this evening babysitting some little cherubs. Mike was in school today advertising his dance appointments and writing dirty things in assignment books. Tim left lunch early today and went to choir, probably to sing. He also sported the multi-tie look, with 3 hanging from his neck. Tim wins the award for Most School Spirit today.

Monday, 11.12.01
Red, White, and Blue Day
Well, today was a nice day for the BSQ members. Mike was busy after school filling in his little black book with dance appointments. Tim drew some Sponge Bob at lunch today, much to the annoyance of Stuart. Ben recieved a lab report back today, with an unexpected surprise stapled to the back. Stu sported the horribly unkempt look today, and I for one hope the lost-boy look comes back soon.

Saturday, 11.10.01
50% of the BSQ could be found at the Sandcastle in Atlantic City, New Jersey today, at USSBA Championships. Together with the BSQ members, the marching band marched better than they were awarded. Afterwards, Ben went home to celebrate the birth of his mother, and do tackle some mad homework. We have from unknown sources that Stu was seen at Supervalu with K-Go last eve as well. Hmm....We do not know what Tim and Mike were up to.

Friday, 11.09.01
Remind me to inform the school that 5 day weekends mess with the whole atmosphere of the BSQ website. Ben and Stu took a day trip to Princeton. Later that eve 3/4 of the BSQ spent their evening with the intent to bowl, but instead were whisked away to Friendly's because of lack of lanes. Stu was last seen in a booth with Ben, singing that Jewish Bar Mitzvah song and eating out of a carton of ice cream with K-Go and Ben, and Mike was in another booth planning a birthday surprise for Stu. However, their waiter Jimmy foiled the plans.

Thursday, 11.08.01
Again, no school today. Forgive the editors for the not-so-good updates for the remainder of the week. We believe that Ben is getting a tour of U of D sometime this week, possibly today. He was last seen helping a very pregnant Connie Riggs pick out a diaper genie. What a guy. Tim and Mike have yet to be seen. Stuart stripped and waxed his grandmother's floor today. And they say chivalry's dead....

Wednesday, 11.7.01
No school today, so your BSQties have yet to be seen. Last night though, 1/2 of the BSQ (Ben and Stu), along with Matt Costil, crashed the literary editor's house after Ensamble practice. They were soon dismissed by a very pregnant Connie Morina/Riggs.

Tuesday, 11.6.01
Today Ben sported Dr. Harry's newest specks today. Ben's future occupation: glasses model. Tim had a big candy sale this morning, and Stuart was seen standing longingly at his locker waiting for the lovely K-go. Mike was not seen, although his lab partner/literary editor was seen frantically doing his homework for him.

Monday, 11.5.01
An unsuspecting Hussey missed the NHS meeting this morning, but he did shave. har. Ben did attend the NHS meeting, but chose to bash the NHS Constitution (which was probably deserved). In addition to this, Ben and Nick Landrum dressed as Ed Mcdermott- i mean.... anywho, Stuart continued his bra size survey this morning, realizing that some people had LIED. Mike has yet to be seen.
Part 2: It is now 5:04 pm and Mike HAS been seen. He was seen in Chem today, and in English laughed VERY hard at the witty comments of one Tim Murphy, and ignoring the comments of one Anthony Veiga. Stuart was causing problems in chem today, pulling away the seat of an unsuspecting literary editor, causing said editor to almost fall on her butt. Ben was keeping the halls of Clearview safe, along with his matching brother, and Tim was in lunch today faced with the important decision of deciding where to sit.

Saturday, 11.3.01
Last night, Clearview football was cheered on by 3/4 of the BSQ. While the same two DFing BSQ members DFed, the other stole a megaphone from an unsuspecting/air headed cheerleader and then proceeded to sing the lyrics "you suck" to "The Hay Song". Later that eve, Stuart made some babies- i mean went the all night Rock-a-Thon at TUMC.

Friday, 11.2.01
1/2 of the BSQ will be spending the eve at Pitman high, playing at the football game tonight. That same 1/2 of the BSQ was in the band room this morning DFin it up with their significant others. Mike was heard screaming obscenities down the hallway, and a certain Photo Editor punched an unsuspecting Tim in the elbow.

It is said that Ben doused some Nyquil last eve to help him fall asleep. Well, now he is probably lying on the floor of his 1st period class sleeping. (Not unlike the Jason Brown incident last year) If you can learn one lesson from that, it is this: Never take medical advice from an optometrist. Mike was busy today, scrounging for information for his lab report, which of course, he was doing last minute, but so was everyone else. Tim was seen at lunch looking a little glum, hopefully tomorrow things will be better for him. Stuart was having a little trouble keeping his hands to himself, but he's assured me that he'll be more behaved.

Wednesday, 10.31.01 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Well, today is always an interesting day, but for our BSQuties, it was especially interesting. Ben held up the nerdy end of costuming with his extremely NERDY outfit. Stuart claimed he was an "@$*le", but u know, he could have dressed up in a suit, slicked back his hair, and had a better costume. Mike showed his love for Mrs. Higgins by proudly wearing a "Mrs. Higgins' Son" sign on his shirt. Tim did not participare in today's Halloween festivities. A-OKay still. My award for best costume, however, goes to Non-BSQutie Ben Leach, just because he played his sax with the mask still on.

Tuesday, 10.30.01
nothing exciting happened AT ALL today. Hence the late update.

Monday, 10.29.01
mike copies chemistry...again, Ben, Stu, and Tim were in the band room this mornin. thats all, nothing good.

Saturday, 10.27.01
Guess what. The Marching Band won AGAIN! That's right, The Marching Band, including Ben and Stu, marched themselves into their 3rd 1st place victory. Way to go guys. After the comp, all were treated to some pork sandwiches, rice, and vegetarian chili courtesy of Mrs. Landrum, and after the feast, we learned that Nick's inability to keep food off his shirt is not something new, it plagued him in 1988 as well.

Friday, 10.26.01
Today wasn't such an extraordinary day as far as events go. Mike was busy in chem coming up with experimental procedures, Ben "burned through" his pre-calc homework, Stu...did Stu things..., and Tim drove to school again today. We're happy to report he made it there safe. Sorry for the bad update, but look forward to tomorrow's; it's marching band competition day.

Thursday, 10.25.01
Junior day in the G+T room; and i must report that one BSQ member, Ben Landrum, was present and seen destroying the Clearview (newly renamed) Con-landrum. Stuart was spotted in the band room laughing at Danielle's slowness of getting jokes. FUNNY. more to come later....

Wednesday, 10.24.01
Ben was happy to report that his mommy went out and got him some authentic Italian Kanol-iees [yes that IS spelled wrong], just proving how spoiled rotten he is. Mike enjoyed jumping on unexpected people this morning in the hallway. Hopefully the BSQ will actually be singing more often, so that we'll have something more important to talk about. Here's something more important. It's sad to say, but a BSQ member was given a detention today for squirting water during a lab. Yes, Mike had to sit in the classroom of G. Moran to think about the harshness of his actions. And Stu, well, he was last seen squirting unsuspecting honors chemistry students with distilled water also. Tim got the smackdown from a certain Volvo driver about the harm in jumping on top of his car. Rather funny site it was.

Tuesday, 10.23.01
Mike was seen harassing T-bone Malloy 1st period. Various other BSQ members gathered in the band room before homeroom to make fun of Jenna as she tried to copy Morgan's chemistry homework, but had a rather tough time with it. (and by tough, i mean, she dropped the whole binder on the floor and papers were everywhere, and her voice got all high and stuff.) ...thats all from first period study hall, hopefully the rest of the day will be more eventfull. In chemistry today, Mike got to be Mrs. Schmidt's little pawn, holding large sticks with matches attached at the end, and lighting bubbles on fire. Stu of course, saw the suggestiveness of this and laughed. I heard it. At lunch today, Stu paid Kati Cain a wopping 15 cents for screaming a four letter word really loud. Tim was seen laughing at this, and at lunch today he managed to burp a lot of times and it was really weird. Ben had to make up an honors pre-calc quiz after 9th period, and when he returned to the band room, proudly exclaimed, "I think i just aced another pre-calc quiz" with a big smile. He probably did too. That's all for the BSQuties today.

Monday, 10.22.01
Mike was seen today blasting through his Chem worksheet. After school he tried his best to find a way to make every song on the planet dancable, like songs by Rancid, ICP, and other "non-mainstream" groups like that. An interesting day for Ben, who was surprised by a visit from non other than one Andy Orndorf. He spent his day avoiding getting his hair played with. Tim has shaved the growth on his chin and he has also begun the candy selling trend that he has made his own. Stu was having a good ol' time at lunch today, talking about things that would most likely cause the BSQ site to be websensed so we'll just steer clear of that.

Saturday, 10-2-01
What a surprise. Ben and Stu, along with the rest of the Clearview Marching Band, laid the smackdown on such Group II bands as Vineland (Bohemian Rhapsody..goodness), Cinnaminson, and our next door neighbor KINGSWAY, to walk away with their second 1st place victory of the season. Way to go Marching Band. Neither Mike nor Tim could be reached for comment.

Friday, 10-19-01
Mike spent his pre-homeroom time doing Chemistry. And by doing, I mean copying Morgan's. Tim was seen wearing the plaid pants today; they look NICE. Both Tim and Stu enjoyed looking through music books that Itchy means to give to the lovely V-Bro.

Thursday, 10-18-01
The text editor is here, 1st period in G&T. Mike was seen this morning talking in a deep and sexy voice, much different to his voice of norm. He was also strutting the halls in a collared shirt whose logo is yet to be determined. Stuart, unfortunately, is not here, and K-Go is mourning the loss in the corner as we speak. Ben was seen in the bandroom wearing a sweater from the GAP that was "Grinch Green" (named by JACKIE). Tim was seen this morning recovering from his court date (for the accident), which details will not be discussed on this website, for privacy's sake.

(Jackie forgot to date this: Soon she will not have to be making these entries anyway...)
Wednesday 10-17-01 (OFD)
Mike was searching frantically for someone to copy his homework from before homeroom today; what else is new. Stu said he is "getting itchy." and i don't mean Asian; i refer to yesterdays incident. Ben may have broken his 100 average in Honors Pre Calc today...gasp. The test results will come soon. Tim drove his dad's truck to school! how super is that. A BSQ member with a car. Stuart was also seen causing a commotion in 2nd period art, where he not only DF'd it up with K-Go, but also wrote some choice phrases (not suitable for the BSQ website however) in calligraphy, and then showing these off to Mr. Garrett. Instead of being mad, Garrett, in typical art teacher fashion, tried to recuit this BSQutie to joining the Clearview art program. It seems that Stu showed signs of art prodigy. Who knew?

Tuesday, 10-16-01
Stuart did the most horrible thing ever, it can't even be discussed here, or websense will have the better of us. MIKE IS BACK! *this next part is brought to you by THE LITERARY EDITOR who has not been able to do her literary duties these past few weeks because of FIELD HOCKEY and u know, homework. Trying to make the NHS is hard work..* It was reported from an un-named source that today in ENSEMBLE, Stu, Mike, and Tim got in trouble because (and i quote): "Mike and Stu do stuff and Tim laughs at them". This editor has no comment for the other thing that Stuart did today. Ewww is all. It has been noticed that Tim is also going for a different style of facial hair pattern. It isn't looking too bad so far.

Monday, 10-15-01
Mike wasn't here. Nothing more can be said

Saturday, 10.13.01
Ben and Stu were seen at ANOTHER marching band competition, this time taking place in the far away town of COATSVILLE (Coatsville Area High School - CASH). They marched their way impressively to a 2nd place finish, along with an award for best overall effect. Way to go. Later that eve, Ben was seen on the band bus doing some techno remixes with Ang, and Stu was on the bus....somewhere..Later that nite at Jackie's house Stu was found in a compromising position in a chair, and needless to say the chair was knocked over and laughter followed. The high entertainment of that evening was the never ending pushing that went on. Much fun.

Friday, 10.12.01
Ben was trying really way to hard to be MQ today. He walked into the band room wearing a plad shirt tucked in; and the pants were up REALLY HIGH. An immediate outburst of laughter came from ..everyone in the band room. (he couldn't seem to figure out what was wrong, but he fixed it 6 periods later.) I think Stuart got the biggest laugh out of it. Mike was 'on a roll' today, especially during AP history. While 2 bimbos were gossiping out in the hall about 'who done it', Mike yelled through the open door "IT'S GORDON!!!" I must report it was quite halarious, and even Gordo laughed. Then Anthony tried to say something funny, and everyone just gave him the silent stare-down.HA. Tim was not seen in school today, and his whereabouts were pondered throughout the day.

Thursday, 10.11.01
Mike was seen all over a certain Landrum chipmunk this morning; doing what to him, we know not. Stuart played a REALLY LOUD BASSOON today. Tim was seen going for the fuzzy duck look. Ben was also seen with this look today, although though he claims to have done it "MQ style".

Wednesday, 10.10.01
Ben went for the MQ look today, and looked cute in the attempt.

Tuesday, 10.9.01
Mike pays tribute to his favorite football player, (Jim Drenon) by wearing his school picture on his left nipple. Stuart is adorned with his "Juicy" earing. Mike was also seen after school watching the Field Hockey game, of which there was ONLY a VARSITY game, but we won't get into that be this text editor is still a little bitter about that. He was also seen in the Morina-Rigg's car talking about Mrs. Higgins, and after walking into Supervalu, ironically saw said jamaican buying some groceries. IRONY.

Monday, 10.8.01
3/4 of the BSQ was seen hanging in the Band room this monday morning. Sweaters seem to be the trend of the day. Although i did smell a malicious odor coming from the direction of the sweater of Stuart.

Saturday, 10.6.01
Ben and Stu were seen marching their butts off to a first place victory along with the rest of the Clearview Marching Band at their 1st competition at Lenape High School. After the competition, Mrs. Tesauro was happy enough to hold a party at her home, which lasted until approximately 2:45 in the morning. Happy days were had on Saturday :)

Friday, 10.5.01
Mike and Ben got to experience the 8th period Moran sub, which was a lovely experience, i must say. Tim submitted his lovely drawing of the BSQ, and it looks great. Stuart pinned up the picture of Ben Leach, but then took it down, for fear that Ben Leach would destroy him.

Wednesday, 10.3.01
This morning, Mike Camp expressed his confusion with yesterdays *****s. He couldn't seem to figure out whom he was pining over. OH WELL I DON'T CARE BECAUSE I AM VERY MAD AT MIKE CAMP. Ben and Stu were seen grabbing/kicking eachother in the band room; we know not why. Tim 'what a hussy' Hussey is in G+T at this very moment. In fact i can feel his breath on my back. AH thats just weird. He has been complaining since he has yet to be on the wall of fame. *sigh* Later this afternoon, Mike and Ben were to be seen at the Clearview High School Varsity and JV Field Hockey games. (That's right they stayed for BOTH.) They could be heard screaming the likes of "We'll take that!" and "Let it rip!" This literary editor was lucky enough to even have a free hit on the side lines no less than 3 feet away from these BSQuties. Let me tell you, Mike Camp screaming "IT'S GOING THAT WAY! C'MON MORB LET IT RIP" is really hard to not laugh at. Okay besides that, they could also be heard comtemplating the phrases "Lady Pioneers" and "Pioneerettes" . That's at least what i THINK they were talking about...

Tuesday, 10.2.01
Our literary editor, Morgan Morina, has created her rendition of the BSQ. If you cannot decipher the captions, they read: Ben "I look fhot in really old shirts" Landrum, Tim "what a hussy in plaid pants" Hussey, Stu "future Marine officer" Vitagliano, and Mike "I have THE POWER because I'm the class president" Camp. Anywho, before homeroom, Mike was seen pining over the affections of a certain...***** *******, and laughing hysterically at the poorly done rendition of "Mr. T" on his tee shirt. Ben was seen wearing his Clearview Marching Band sweatshirt, circa 1998. (Just a side note: it is known that a certain Suzanne Adams owns the very same sweatshirt.) Stuart has been known to give /<-go a very special present; on her neck. Sadly, our very own Tim (what a hussy) got in an automobile accident today. BUT DON'T WORRY HE'S OK!!!! We are ever so thankful for your safety.

Monday, 10.1.01
The "Trout Fishing In America" tee shirt was worn with pride and perspiration by none other then our own Ben Landrum. He was seen applying deoderant in 6th period lunch, because his tee shirt was, and I quote "too stinkin tight; and it's cutting of my circulation!". Stuart was seen scampering down the hall to 9th period band, obviously excited and looking forward to playing his bassoon. Mike was seen today in 3rd period English class, mouthing the phrase "THE POWER" to this site's text editor, while the certain fool who first uttered those words "acted" his scene from the Crucible. Sadly, Mike missed the line "..there's a strange POWER in this town.." Tim was seen eating lunch not in the booth, but at the table, for the booth was too full...again.

Saturday, 9.29.01
Fun was had at the football game, where on 1/2 of the BSQ was present, that would be Ben and Stu. Stu was sporting the un-kempt hair today, and his fhotness factor was at an all time low. Sorry Stu. Ben was looking fhot as always, and the Mike Quisito makeover is in the negotiating stages.

Later Friday, 9.28.01
The fhilarity of the twins party/fit to fail concert was put on hold for awhile after the intervention of the local law enforcement agency, however the crowd was entertained by the combined efforts of the fhotness of the 3/4 of present BSQ members and the rollings around of 2 certain trumpet players, no names to be mentioned, but it was Dave Wahl and Keith Reigel. There was dirt flirting of all kinds for the BSQ members, way to go for them. It was an enjoyable eve for all.

Friday, 9.28.01
Today was a fun-filled day for the Ap History fools, including Ben and Mike. I think we crashed and burned if you know what i mean... Let it be known to all that Tim has once again hacked into the BSQ website, and added a picture of himself. And just a side note: contrary to popular belief, that IS Tim's real body. Man he's ripped. Stu made Judy Stevenson laugh today, and while it seems like a small feat, it is in fact next to impossible. -nice one stu.
Thank you stacy for your rendition of "The BSQ, stick figure style". Please note the traits of each BSQ member: Tim, the plad flairs; Mike, "i love me" tee shirt; Stu, he might be ripped; Ben, the boots.
Mike was given the Gordan Moran Smackdown in history.
Wednesday, 9.26.01
Stu was seen last going the "Hokey Pokey" outside during the fire drill. My it was exciting. Ben was last seen attempting to again wear the boots of one Jackie Sparacino, but alas, he failed. Mike Camp was seen in Chem class, copying everyone elses work but doing none of his own. Tim was seen in art cartooning it up, since the presence of the substitute teacher was almost too much for him to take.


Tuesday, 9.25.01
Stuart and k-go were in the instrument closet for an elapsed time this moring, supposedly "locked" in. yeah right. Ben was forced to eat not, "hot turkey sandwhich" but "cold beef-turkey-pork-whateverelse was left sandwhich". After school today Ben was seen laughing hysterically at the phrase "pizza party". Mr. Tomlin was baffled. Mike Camp was to be found after school today at the Varsity Field Hockey game, where his most used phrase was "We'll take that", since it was obvious he had no idea what was going on.

Monday, 9.24.01
We are happy to report that Ben got a 20/20 on his Pre Calc quiz. This soon to be student at Swarthmore also spent his sunday afternoon looking at online dresses. Stuart broke down and showed his extreme rage to poor Jessica Lowe's old bassoon today; and Mike harassed Jen Colgan during her history presentation.

SATURDAY, 9.22.01
What an eventful day for 3/4ths of the BSQ. While Ben and Stu labored under the hot sun this afternoon in their H-O-T-T HOT marching band uniforms, Mike enjoyed watching the game from the fan perspective, heckling the cheerleaders along the way. Sweat and all, Ben and Stu did a marvelous job of wow-ing the crowd with their marching and musicianal skills, and Mike kept the crowd entertained with his ghettofied dance versions of such football game favorites like : "Louie, Louie", "Cheer Bits 1", "Tequila".

These two editors, along with other friends, spent the evening with one half of the BSQ, Mike and Ben. We were treated to a hilarious veiwing of "Once on this Island" and the interviews that followed, and also, last year's marching band performance tape and Ben Leach's climatic conclusion. Bo bo bo.

FRIDAY, 9.21.01
MIKE- I think Mike was upset that the junior class didn't win the spirit stick. God knows what he wanted to do with it when he finally go it in his possession.
TIM- was seen talking to a certain Smooth "who shall remain nameless" Primo.
STUART- Stu was seen pleasing the crowd with his sax playing, and he was also seen giving Mr. Tomlin a light butt tap.
BEN- Ben pranced through the halls of Clearview in his marching band uniform. His fun came to a screeching halt at lunch when he guzzled some sour milk. His facial expression was caught on Mary Flynn's digital camera. (Pictures will soon be added). Ben also sported the femur high boots at the pep rally.

THURSDAY, 9.20.01
MIKE- "I got lei-ed by Mike Camp!" -was the comon saying today. Mike was seen lei-ing the junior class today, in honor of Hawaiian Day. yeay. He was also know to have antagonized freshman by asking them the "Say What" question for journalism.
TIM- This senior BSQ member has not been seen lately, most likely due to the fact that he is a senior. All i have to say is,... what a hussy. However, Tim was seen at lunch today, pondering the fate of his Sponge Bob drawing, which is now in the hands of one Sonja Czuzak.
STUART- It has been confermed that Stu's class picture was 'fhot'. Also, angela says: "i grabbed stus ass (again)." watch out k-go!
BEN- Ben's pictures also looked fhot, and spent the pre-calc period trying to decide what kind of messages to write on the back of the pictures to his "friends". And by "friends" i mean......

WEDNESDAY, 9.19.01
TUESDAY, 9.18.01
MIKE- Mike forced me to write down another Moranism toady, but sadly i left the notebook in my Craig Spinozzi. OH WAIT i meant my locker! I think it was something like this: "Those Afgans make as much money in a year as i spend on ONE WEEKEND!" -you can interpret that to your own liking. (you dirty scumbags)
TIM- Played El Camino Real in 9th period band today. He also reports that he's feeling a little sickly.
STUART- In continuing with his strange garb trend, we see Stuart after school today dressed in none other than Katie Gommel's red flares. If you saw it, i have pitty on your soul.
BEN- Ben decided to try on my boots after school today. It was quite a site, and i must report he looked of the homosexual tendency, and there is now leg hair stuck in the zipper.


MONDAY, 9.17.01 (Open Fart Day)
MIKE- Today Mike was seen in Mr. Jack Hill's office "eating his lunch". And by "eating his lunch", i mean climbing up 15ft ladders in the Ensam-blay room while making fun of BSQ members and Chicken Mc Morgans alike. Clearview LMC was happy to have yet another visit from this delicious specimen of BSQ. As were Mrs. Gould and Gordon Moran.
TIM- Tim has unofficially brought back the "A Crew" hand-wave. The AM Crew lives.
STU- Oh goodness. If you were already lucky enough to be subjected to Stuarts less than scarcity of boots, then you probably already know what I'm referring to. If not, let me explain. In Philadelphia last eve, the Landrums and Stuart stumbled upon a certain man who was selling these MASSIVE boots that are about femur-high. When wearing them, you cannot tell for sure if he is wearing pants. :0
BEN- Ben was going through some tough decision-making moments today, but not to worry; Mike Camp came to the rescue. The details of this situation cannot be discussed at present.

Saturday, Semptember 15, 2001
Last eve, Mike was spotted "taking pictures" for journalism at the football game. He finally wised up and sat with the band, who is obviously more effective than the football team and the cheerleaders combined at amusing a crowd. Mike was seen shakin his bad self to "Louie Louie", "Tequila", "They Hey Song", and the "Clearview Alma Mater". He was also seen sporting some Harry Potter glasses and speaking with a Nuth Juysey/New Yuork accent at Carolyn's post-football game "gathering".**Tim was seen at the football game with Heather Hussey. He was also seen doing the cuCUMber chant with Stuart.**Stu was last seen, pants-less at the post-game event. Previous to that, he was spotted at the football game, you know, ...doing that marching band thing.**Ben attended a boys soccer game with Jackie friday afternoon, to see Andy Chi play in his oh-so-short soccer shorts. Sadly, he did not make an apperence. OH WELL. He then retreated to the band feild where he did ....the same thing as every other BSQ member. He was seen with VERY dilated pupils at the post game event. I wonder who HE was looking at....

Friday, September 14, 2001
Mike was last seen escorting Jackie Sparacino to the library. He took her arm and Jackie felt...special. It was asked that I include the following quote, to which Mike and Jackie laughed hysterically:
"Mr. Moran likes it quick and dirty, in and out." -Jacquline Gould

Obviously, this is referring to research projects, but you never know with the head of the NHS.**Tim was last seen holding on for dear life in the back of a certain Japanese kids car, and he was also joined by Stu at the flagpole today.**Stu was seen with Tim at the flagpole, and when asked to play a song on his bassoon, he declined, saying "I might play a song." Poor Stu. He's insecure.**Ben was seen today being patriotic with his soccer medal, which hung from around his neck, and matched well with his Buddy Holly glasses.**
But, the most exciting thing, was that the BSQ performed over the loudspeaker today, to help mourn those who lost their lives on Tuesday. Too bad this literary editor was out in the halls with a bunch of hooligans who were singing too loud for her to hear. *sigh* Still, the performance was enjoyed.

Thursday, September 13, 2001
Mike was last seen quoting various "Moranisms". He was also said to have made a pretty falarious speech bubble for a certain Mr. Bin Laden in the newspaper, in journalism class. In addition to this, he was giving out hugs in the hall during 9th period, with his offcial "Journalism Business Pass." **Tim was seen talking to a certain '< insert name here >' who shall remain nameless in the hall this morning. We do not yet know of what the subject pertained to, but we think our Literary Editor might just have that story. **Today during 5th period choir, Stuart was said to have called a certain Nikki Tolbard to the bandroom with her instrument. Whitnesses say that this student is NOT a band member, nor does she play any musical instrument, adding the obvious halarity of the situation.** Today during 2nd period, Ben was called down to the office, and most suspect it was Concetta bringing the forgotten lunch to this most forgetful BSQ member. He also spent his lunch period in the ensamble room, most likely with other BSQ members. During AP History he was spotted jotting down Moranisms with the likes of Mike Camp. He is now supposedly at the Orthodontist. Tshats jsust Ssuper.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001
Mike enjoyed spending his time in A.P. History bad mouthing Osama Bin Laden. He was also made fun of by Moran for wearing an I-talian soccer shirt. Hey, I say if a BSQ member is wearing it, it's HOT.**Tim Hussey has fixed our guestbook. Project Enaek has officially been Tim'd. So sign our guestbook! I also did have a nice chat with him on IM.** Stuart was made fun of by Mr. Tomlin toady, and he also was successful in playing a tuning note on the Bassoon. Congrats Stuart.**Ben came to the rescue with a bottle of saline to an unsuspecting Morgan, who lost her contact after school. Dang, isn't it great to be the son of an optometrist? I also had the pleasure of riding this BSQtie's bus home today, after I missed mine. (yes, again)**