BSQ By-Laws
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BSQ By-Laws, follow them or BEWARE.


Section 1. The name of this quartet shall be the BSQ Chapter
of the Barbershop Quartet of Secondary School Ensemble

Section 2. The object of this quartet shall be to create an
enthusiasm for 4 part male’s vocal harmonies, to show school
spirit at pep rallies musically, to show national pride over
the loudspeaker, and to spread hotness to all who hear them
at Clearview Regional High School.


Section 1. Membership in this quartet shall be known as
active, honorary, and graduate. Active and honorary members
become graduate members at graduation. The graduate members
have as much say in matters of the BSQ as the active members
allow. Honorary members have no say unless deemed otherwise
by active members.

Section 2. Membership in this quartet shall be based on
Suave-ness, Obnoxious-ness, Oblivious-ness, and Quirkiness.
Hotness is also a non-based factor.

Section 3. To be eligible for selection to membership in
this quartet, the candidate must have been in the Clearview
Regional High School Vocal Ensemble for a period of one
semester. To be eligible for honorary membership, the
candidate must have one of the following:
A signed recommendation from Jack Hill.
An un-signed or forged recommendation from Paul Tomlin
Status as guitar player in the CRHS Jazz Band

Section 4. Candidates eligible for selection into this
quartet must be eligible based on the same requirements for
entry into the Clearview Regional Vocal Ensemble. Candidates
must have a cumulative GPA of 70. This shall remained fixed
unless otherwise stated by Jack Hill or Paul Tomlin.


Section 1. The final selection of members shall be by a vote
of the current and graduating members of the quartet. The
editors of shall be the 5th
and 6th, non-voting, ex-offico members of the quartet.
Honorary members have no priveleges in voting.

Section 2. Prior to final selection, the following might

A. Students academic and disciplinary records shall
be reviewed by Jack Hill.

B. All students will be deemed academically eligible

C. The BSQ Editors will review the candidates
characteristics for membership, as specified in
Article II, Section 2.

Section 3. The selection of active and honorary members
shall be held after or months prior to an at-time current
member’s graduation. Selection of honorary members is based
entirely upon the decision of the editors of After selection, that
person shall have priveleges when stated based on Article
II, Section 1.

Section 4. An active member of the BSQ who transfers from
this school will not be given a letter indicating the status
of his membership and will not be signed by Jack Hill.

Section 5. An active member of a barbershop quartet who
transfers from another school will not be asked to
membership into the BSQ without meeting the qualifications
outlined in Article II, and no note from their former
principal or choir director will be accepted.


Section 1. Any member who falls below the standards of
Suave-ness, Obnoxious-ness, Oblivious-ness, and Quirkiness
will most likely not be dismissed from the BSQ chapter of
the Barbershop Quartet of Secondary School Ensemble Groups.

Section 2. If a members cumulative GPA of 70 falls below the
standard in effect, he will not be given a written warning
and no time period for improvement will be given. The BSQ
member has the rest of the year to bring the GPA up.

Section 3. Violation of criminal law will result in
immediate investigation by the editors of the BSQ. The other
active, honorary, and graduate members will have no say in
this investigation. Violations of school laws will result in
no investigation or punishment by the editors.

Section 4. Offenders of the school conduct code (i.e. use of
profanity, failure to comply, unexcused absence, excessive
tardiness, etc.) will not receive written warning
notification of anything. A conference will not be
requested. If the member is involved in another violation it
will not be acknowledged at all.

Section 5. Any member whose personal conduct is
“questionable” in accordance with the accepted norms of
student behavior will not be dismissed by the editors, nor
the other active, honorary, or graduate members.

Section 6. There is no need to outline 5 different
procedures for dismissal, as a dismissal will only occur for
the following reasons:
Transfer to a different school


Section 1. The officers of this chapter shall be tenor 1,
tenor 2, baritone 1 and bass 1, unless otherwise categorized
by that group. Honorary members have no official vocal range

Section 2. Student officers will be decided solely based on
vocal range and preference. They shall hold this office for
all time. Their position after graduation will be known as
“Officially Graduate”. For example, Tenor 2 after graduation
will be known as “Officially Graduate Tenor 2”.

Section 3. No vote, whether majority or otherwise, will not
be necessary to elect any officer.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Tenor 1 to sing Tenor
1 parts.

Section 5. The Tenor 2 shall preside over Tenor 2 parts.

Section 6. The Baritone 1 shall sing Baritone 1 parts.

Section 7. The Bass 1 will sing Bass 1 parts.

Section 8. It will be the duty and option of the active
members of the group to decide when and if to replace a part
during the temporary absense of that officer. The officers
may choose to rework to a three part harmony if it so
pleases them. Honorary members have no say in this.


Section 1. The executive committee shall consist of one
active member (chosen before each meeting) and the editors
of The honorary members
have no say in this.

Section 2. The editors of the BSQ shall have general charge
over the meeting.


Section 1. The chapter shall not determine any service
projects for the year.

Section 2. The BSQ will be required to sing at at least 1
Varsity Basketball game each season, whether it be boys or

Section 3. The BSQ will be required to perform at at least 2
pep rallies.

Section 4. The BSQ shall perform over the loud speaker at
least 5 times a year, on the 11th of each month.

Section 5. The BSQ, upon necessity, shall inform the editors
of the BSQ when they will perform on radio stations, so that
the necessary updates and information can be put on

Section 6. Honorary members need not perform ever.


Section 1. Meetings of this chapter shall be held when
deemed necessary.

Section 2. This chapter shall conduct its meetings according
to he Landaglianocampihussy Rules of Order.

Section 3. Failure to attend does not matter. Honorary
members need not attend meetings.


Section 1. Each member is not entitled to wearing a
non-existant emblem.


Section 1. These by-laws may only be amended by the editors
of the BSQ. Active and graduate members have no privelege
concerning amendments.

Section 2. Honorary members may make amendments to the
by-laws as long as their suggested amendment has no bearing
on their priveleges in the BSQ. These amendments must then
be approved by the editors.

Section 3. By-laws and amendments must be consistent with
the Constitution of Hotness of the Barbershop Quartet.

Yes Sir
Even in 8th grade, Tim knew to follow the By-Laws.

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